Heavy Duty Rolling Tool Stand
One of the most used tools in my shop is the drum sander. It’s saved me countless hours and I don’ think it’s too hyperbolic to say that I love it. There is one GLARING problem with it, however. That’s the cheap, pressed sheet metal, tool stand that it comes with. It’s dangerously underbuilt considering the 300lb curb weight of the machine.
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Industrial Bookcase (DIY Budget Remix)
Did you spend a bit too much this holiday season (no judgement here, I know I sure did)? And now you’re looking for a DIY project to do during the holiday break, but you need one that won’t break the bank? Well, you certainly came to the right place, because today I’m going to be sharing my budget DIY bookcase build with you.
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Pixelated Clear Epoxy Coffee Table
Have you ever had a project go so horribly wrong that it was completely unsalvageable? It’s pretty rare for me, usually, I can recover from mistakes. It’s really only happened to me once. It was my first time working with an epoxy resin. I was making a clock (you can see it here) and I tried to pour too much epoxy in a single casting, the epoxy overheated as it cured, it boiled, and the whole project was completely ruined. I was pretty hear broken, I had to start again from scratch and I’ve been wary of working with epoxy ever since.
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DIY Keyboard Tray Made From Walnut and Leather
Join me as I DIY a custom walnut keyboard tray with a custom leather wrapped wrist rest. But first, a little background. Not long ago I posted a build of my dream desk setup. I spent weeks working on it and I was truly blown away by the reception I got on it (You can check it out here: Building My Dream Desk).
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Installing a Reclaimed Accent Wall in the Shop
Have you ever wished you could add a touch of warmth and texture to an otherwise boring space? That’s how I felt when I was staring at the plain white walls in my workshop. This is a space where I spend a lot of time trying to be creative and building interesting projects, but looking around the space I couldn’t help but feel like it was a bit plain and boring, which is basically the polar opposite of inspirational.
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